Responsible official for operation
A system for preventing occupational accidents established by the Industrial Safety and Health La...
To make something work or operate again from a state of inactivity or inactivity as it is.
Retrofit is a modification of a customer's machine tool to improve its function, performance, pro...
Retrofit (Adding functions after the equipment is installed)
Retroactively adding things, elements, etc., that were not there at the beginning.
Rolling Machine (Form rolling machine)
Form rolling is one of the plasticity processes that deforms a material by applying a strong forc...
Roundness measuring instrument
A roundness measuring instrument is a device for measuring the roundness of an object with a circ...
Run off
To ascertain the amount of production (machine or plant or other) that can be achieved in a conti...
A saddle is one of the components of a machine tool, and is a platform that straddles the guidewa...
Safety morning assembly
Although it differs from workplace to workplace, the main content of the morning meeting itself i...
Safety work (Operation)
As a reminder of safe work practice, it is important to (1) put safety first and not rush or pani...