Catch-all rule

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For customers who use Japanese machine tools overseas

Please be sure to check the following before consulting us for maintenance or overhaul.
Please check with the machine tool manufacturer to determine if the machine to be maintained or overhauled by customer in the country in question is one that requires an export license from the Japanese government.

In the case of machinery requiring an export license, please confirm with the exporter or reseller or re-exporter that prior approval for resale or transfer has been obtained from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (METI) if you purchased secondhand machinery or other machinery that has been resold, re-transferred or re-exported.  Shiozawa Kougyou is not in a position to confirm whether the subject machine is a relevant machine or not.

For more information on the catch-all control, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

・Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

・Security Export Control


You don't have to have a drawing.
Please contact us before giving up.

We will reply within 3 business days.